Vercelli - Mortara - Garlasco 33 + 21 km. 20 and 21.09.22

21 september 2022 - Mortara, Italië

As you can see above we, Caroline and I did a long stretch yesterday of 33 km after having done 29 km the day before. My feet and calv muscles were hurting badly and I could do with a massage (which I didn't get). We arrived at a BnB being run by very nice people that take good care of us. However they also love to talk, so no time for blogging. We tried to get accommodation in the next town of Garlasco, but everything was fully booked so we decided to walk to Garlasco with a reduced load in our backpacks, walked to Garlasco where we met up with Luca and Nathalia for a beer for the last time as they quit the trail in Pavia to morrow. Then we took the train back to Mortara and stay in the same BnB as the night before. Lovely hosts! The landlord told us that this week is Milan Fashion Week and therefore almost every hotel and BnB in a radius of some 40 km is fully booked, as people avoid the high rates in Milan and rather take the train to villages around for the night. Anyway, just today we managed to find a hotel in Pavia that still had two rooms available for a higher rate than we usually get, but sometimes you just have no other choise. So tomorrow morning we take the train to Garlasco and walk on to Pavia. a distance of 24 km. 

Now we'll have something to eat and try to rest for another tough day to morrow. The temperature has dropped some, so very good for walking.

Have a good evening!

Peter asked me in yesterdays stage I would come out of the tap in a drop of water in an other world. What I meant is that we all, and our entire universe would come out of that tap as a droplet of water, maybe in some other unknown dimension.


5 Reacties

  1. Ella Zaanen van:
    21 september 2022
    En Paul, waar komt die druppel water dan vandaan?
    Leuk om je filmpjes te bekijken!
  2. Paul:
    21 september 2022
    Hoi El, zie antwoord aan Peter.
  3. Ella Zaanen van:
    21 september 2022
    Waar kan ik dat antwoord van Peter vinden?
  4. Paul:
    22 september 2022
    Hi El, ik dacht dat men elkaars reactors en mijn reacties allemaal kon lezen. Als dat niet zo is, dan hier mijn verklaring:
    Wat ik bedoel is dat ons gehele universum zoals wij dat nu kennen eigenlijk zo klein zou kunnen zijn in een andere dimensie of in een ander univers of "wereld" dat ons hele universum bij wijze van spreken als een druppel water daar zo uit de (water)kraan zou kunnen komen mischien samen met veel andere universums. Wie weet? Makes sense?
  5. Ella Zaanen van:
    22 september 2022
    Dat makes zeker sense en heeft te maken met ons zeer geringe bewustzijn en onze perceptiemogelijkheden (zintuigen, die op lange na nog niet zijn uit-ontwikkeld) en de oneindigheid der dingen. Nog een overdenkertje: alles wat buiten ons is, is in ons. Macro en micro-kosmos!