Bagni San Filippo - Aquapendente - Bolsena 25 + 25 km 20 and 21 October

21 oktober 2022 - Bolsena, Italië

Last night I found a place in the local Ostello in Aquapendente where I was happy to meet Peter and had a good meal with him in a local restaurant. The weather this day was beautiful and so was the trip. Tuscany is coming to an end and the landscape is markedly changing from smooth hillsides with agricultural fields and farms to a rougher sort of hils and mountains wooded with oak, chestnut and all sorts of trees. Advantage is that these trees give much sought after shade from the sun. Walking generally goes surprisingly well allthough the last kilometers always are tough on the feet. One just has to keep going to get to the next stop. I have been walking on and off either with fellow pilgrims or on my own and although I like walking on my own I must say I prefer company as talking and philosophying makes the kilometers go by without notice. I passed Radicofani, which is a beautiful medieval village on top of a mountain at 850 'm height where I happened to run into Leonardo. We walked together the remaining 13 km stretch to Aquapendente. 

To day we left a cloudy Aquapendente at 08:40 after a capucho and a croissant for breakfast and ended up in Bolsena, in a hotel on the lakeside, whereas Leonardo prefers the Ostello donativo in town  (you decide your self what you want to pay if anything) Needless to say that Leonardo doesn't pay anything as he doesn't have enough money.

Rome comes nearer by the day and it is now only 7 days walking away. I might do with another rest day in between which means I'll be in Rome next Saturday. Thing is I've been offered an audience by the Pope on the Wednesday after and I really don't know what to do. Should I accept to go to the audience (once in a lifetime chance I guess) I would have to stay so many days in Rome which I have visited a couple of times earlier, or what should I do? Also I would like to continue the camino to the south of Rome for a week or so in the direction of Napels and see how far I get before going home.

Good evening all.


3 Reacties

  1. Ella Zaanen van:
    21 oktober 2022
    Paul, je hebt nog ruim een week om erover na te denken!
  2. Peter van der Veer:
    21 oktober 2022
    Well, Paul, why not take two days of rest before going to Rome then meet the Pope(!) and then follow the road to Naples!

    That would be memorable yourney wouldn’t it?
  3. Adriaan:
    22 oktober 2022
    Dank Paul voor je verhalen en foto’s. Ze brengen mij weer helemaal terug naar mijn eigen Rome Camino in 2019. Ik liep toen min of meer in dezelfde periode en kwam op 31 oktober in Rome aan! Succes met je dilemma!