17 april St Germain-Beauxpré - Mailletard ca 20 km E

17 april 2017

This morning my immediate concern was to find a boulangerie (bakery) that was open, to get me a baguette and eat something. After an hrs walk there was one in a little village on the route. Lucky me, I could eat breakfast. Then on route to La Souterraine where I had a hamburger with fries and salad for lunch to replennish the calories. From there ca. 10
km southward to a very little place called Mailletard. It's just a couple of houses and a farm, so I doubt you'll find it on the map. Had a good meal here at the B&B Chataigne Dorée and great hospitality. I need to get back on the Voie de Vezelay tomorrow some 13 km to Arrenès and probably an other 4 to St Goussaud if I can get a bed there. I had a question from someone if there was time for deeper thoughts and contemplation along the way.
As you can gather, this trip so far is about survival and fulfilling the basic needs like getting a roof over your head and a bed. Get food and stay healthy so you can walk. So far it's just physical as you feel this and that and the other in your body. There are also constantly new impressions to be dealt with from the beautiful landscape and also important, you have to constantly watch where you're going because it's easy to miss a crossing, a path hidden between the trees, or a sign and you may have to cover some extra miles.
I read somewhere that this pilgrimmage for many can be experienced to have more or less three stages that will no doubt overlap each other. First the physical one, then the emotional one (persons near and far may be on your mind, things in life that made a mark on you or others etc. ) and the third stage being spiritual (if I ever get there?) . I am definitivly still at the first stage.
To day 29443 steps and 1564 ( how they at Apple calculate the calories I don't know, but the number seems to vary a lot).
Snakkes I morgen :-)
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7 Reacties

  1. Peter van der Veer:
    17 april 2017
    Hallo Paul,
    you no doubt will get to the deeper layers, ha ha.
  2. Wil Knopper:
    17 april 2017
    Leuk om zo je verhalen te lezen! Ben benieuwd wanneer bij jou de 2de fase begint. Het lijkt me een geweldige tocht om te doen, maar lees nu maar gezellig met jou mee. In mijn eentje zou ik het toch nooit aandurven. Maar bewonder je wel... waauw, al die mooie landschappen en mooi weer is ook fijn. In de regen lijkt het me afzien.... :(
    groetjes en hoop dat je nog veel mooie dingen mag mee maken.
  3. Inger Johanne:
    17 april 2017
    I honestly don't think I know anyone who could just start on a walk like that and manage effortlessly from the very beginning. Obviously it takes time getting used to all the practical issues. The wonderful thing is that by just continuing, you will in a while master it all! So just keep walking, those boots are made for it - and so are probably you! Best wishes for a good night and a super walk tomorrow from John and me.
  4. Elisabeth:
    17 april 2017
    Hi Paul,
    Nou maak je geen zorgen die diepere gedachten en emoties etc komen nog wel maar ook de uren dat je alleen maar kijkt en stinkend alleen maar loopt te genieten met een leeg hoofd en een vol hart! Het is leuk om je te volgen en bekende plaatjes voorbij te zien komen brengt me terug op mijn eigen weg. Heerlijk!
    Bon Chemin!
  5. Paul:
    18 april 2017
    Heb je gelijk in. Bedankt Elisabeth!
  6. Paul:
    18 april 2017
    Bedankt allemaal voor leuke en warmende reacties. Ook die reacties houden een mens overeind!
  7. Sander Struijk:
    19 april 2017
    Apple? Er det med iPoden du teller steg og kalorier? :) Eller har du fått tak i en iWatch/iPhone?