30 april St.Astiers - Mussidan 25 km E

30 april 2017

Janick and me arrived in Mussidan this afternoon in pretty heavy rain going at record breaking speed for 2 hours and then we still had to wait an hour at the refuge for some body to open the door. It appears that neither my rain jacket and trousers nor my Goretex lined shoes are actually water proof, so all is hanging for drying now. Hope my shoes are dry when we leave tomorrow. As it is Sunday, everything is closed in the village except for the church. (Burned a candle an prayed for a lot of stuff). To morrow is 1st of May, so all is closed then as well albeit we have good hope that a boulanger will be open early to buy a baguette for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It' s a good thing we had a tasty 4 course meal under way in Douzilac to day other wise we would have been starving by now.
Tomorrow onwards to Monfaucon where we have reserved a cabin on a camping. Another 23 km.


4 Reacties

  1. Inger Johanne:
    30 april 2017
    Wishing you a great May 1st. tomorrow! Hoping someone will give you some lilies of the vally for good luck, or that you just have good luck right away. Have courage (same word in French) with the weather!
  2. Sander Struijk:
    1 mei 2017
    Håper du får det du ber om da ;) Ser fortsatt fantastisk ut, har gått noen km her hjemme selv nå, men til sammen ikke så så mange som du går på en dag en gang. :O :P Blir tøft om jeg skal gå noen km sammen med deg i Mai.
  3. Rene:
    1 mei 2017
    Det blir spennende og se hvordan det kommer til å gå for Hans og Sander. :)
  4. Madelen:
    2 mei 2017
    Fikk du tak i mat, eller har du besvimt av sult langs veien?! :p #oppdater