7 - 8 June Lédigos - Sahagún - El Burgo Ranero 16 + 18 = 34 km

8 juni 2017

From Lédigos I took the alternative route all the way into Sahagún so as to stay away from the main road and walk through the corn fields. I even had to cross a creek bare foot as there was no bridge. A refreshing foot bath was my reward on a hot afternoon. We stayed at the Monastery of Santa Cruz and as there was a washing basin in the patio we washed some clothes and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in the sun and shade.

From Sahagún an 18 km to El Burgo Ranero. A boring stretch of footpath along a very straight road on a relatively hot day, so I was glad to arrive at the Albergue at 13:00 hrs and where Hans was waiting for me so we could go for lunch together.
Tomorrow Hans will try to walk again some 18 km to Mansilla de las Mulas.
Now we go and have a Menu del Peregrino like almost every other day.
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